M.A.S.T.E.R. the Message, not the Code

…because the best work comes from experts, not algorithms

In a world that’s increasingly dominated by technology, the value of human connection shouldn’t be forgotten. Nowhere is this truer than in interpretation. Although artificial intelligence has made significant strides, we must remember that it is just a tool, not a replacement for the understanding and cultural sensitivity that human interpreters bring to every project.

Our campaign

Since 1953, AIIC has been promoting the highest standards of quality and ethics in interpreting. And today, we’re proud to be launching our new campaign to highlight the irreplaceable value of human expertise.

Our social media campaign will take you through the early days of conference interpreting, hear from some of the leading voices in our industry, and take a look at what the future has in store for our profession.

about aiic
Why we have
launched this campaign

This campaign comes at an important time in our industry. With the increasing use of AI and automation across the globe, we think it’s essential to shine a light on the critical role human interpreters play.

Our professional interpreters are incomparable in facilitating cross-cultural communication, ensuring accuracy, security, and ethical practice. But that doesn’t mean we’re behind the times, we do recognise the need for up-to-date technology to help speed up processes so our interpreters can do what they do best.

While technology has its place, human interpreters offer a unique blend of empathy, cultural understanding, and real-time adaptability that AI will never be able to replicate.

Throughout this campaign, we’ll be advocating for a collaborative approach, where human expertise and technology work together to achieve the best possible outcomes.

How to get involved

We invite you to join us in championing the power of human conference interpreting. Follow us on social media to keep up with the latest insights and engaging content about interpreters and our work at AIIC.

Don't settle for the good enough

Choose AIIC. Whether you already work with conference interpreters or wish to learn more about our profession, join us to get exclusive updates and invites to our networking events.

M.A.S.T.E.R the message

M.A.S.T.E.R. the Message, not the Code centres on 6 important principles of interpreting that sets us apart from AI algorithms. We’re not saying that there is no place for AI, more that it’s time that we work together to create the best possible work for our clients. Here are the fundamental principles of our new campaign:

Conference interpreting is more than just directly converting words from one language into another – it’s about unlocking the true meaning behind a message.
Human interpreters are experts at reading in between the lines, picking up on the unspoken nuances of each speaker, and understanding the cultural context, which can have a big impact on the intended message.
While AI is clearly brilliant at processing huge amounts of data in a matter of seconds, it does not think like a human, understand the subtle inflection of a voice, bridge cultural divides, or ensure that a message will resonate globally.
Unlike AI, which relies on algorithms and existing data, human interpreters bring years of training, practical experience, and a deep understanding of language and culture to every project.
Communication is so much more than just the words we’re saying, some things go way beyond language barriers.
Conference interpreting requires cultural sensitivity, ethical awareness, and a deep understanding of how human interaction works – how can you expect lines of code to do this?
Human interpreters can challenge stereotypes, break down biases, and help people from diverse backgrounds connect and collaborate. Interpreters understand people and have years of experience building relationships, cultivating trust and promoting empathy which in turn helps them to do their jobs to the highest possible standards.
Sometimes the content of a business meeting or conference is strictly confidential, so you need to trust your interpreter to protect any sensitive information.
While you can get your human interpreter to sign an NDA, things can get a bit tricky when you’re working with AI. Human interpreters provide a robust layer of security, unlike AI which can be vulnerable to data breaches.
Human interpreters can safeguard intellectual property, personal data, and trade secrets with the utmost care, so you know your information is in safe hands.
The way something is said can be as important as what is actually said. Human interpreters can help convey the intended tone of a message – whether that’s the importance of emotion, humour, or formality.
From persuasive speeches to business negotiations, human interpreters ensure that the right message is delivered with the right impact.
While improving, AI often struggles to replicate the subtleties of human voice and expression. This can lead to a whole host of misunderstandings and missed opportunities.
Communication is a two-way street that requires active listening, engagement, and adapting to changing circumstances.
When human interpreters are at work, they can easily clarify ambiguities, provide context, and interact with speakers and audiences to build rapport.
Without physically being in the room, AI lacks the human ability to establish connections with speakers, foster genuine engagement, and add a layer of emotional intelligence that ensures high-quality work.
Whether you’re conducting an important business meeting with a global audience or finishing off an important round of negotiations, consistency and accuracy are essential in your communication.
Some clients find that AI provides ‘good enough’ work, but this won’t cut it in many professional settings. Human interpreters are highly trained professionals who deliver reliable conference interpretations time and time again; ensuring your reputation and message remain intact.
They can adapt to unexpected challenges, such as technical difficulties or language variations, without making errors, unlike AI which constantly needs to be edited and fact-checked.